ENCE 302 Lecture Notes


  Chapter 0a   Introduction to Course, Syllabus, Major Topics, and Computational Tools
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Chapter 0b   High-Level languages and Spreadsheets, i.e., MS Excel
Chapter 0c   Computational Tools and Microsoft Excel
Chapter 1a   Introduction
Chapter 1b   Introduction (cont'd)
Chapter 2a   Data Description and Treatment

Chapter 2b

  Data Description and Treatment (cont'd)

Chapter 2c

  Data Description and Treatment (cont'd)

Chapter 3a

  Fundamentals of Probability

 Chapter 3b

  Fundamentals of Probability (cont'd)
Chapter 3c   Fundamentals of Probability (cont'd)
Chapter 3d   Fundamentals of Probability (cont'd)
Chapter 3e   Fundamentals of Probability (cont'd)
Chapter 3f   Fundamentals of Probability (cont'd)
Chapter 3g   Fundamentals of Probability (cont'd)
Chapter 3h   Fundamentals of Probability (cont'd)
Chapter 4a   Probability Distributions for Discrete Random Variables
Chapter 4b   Probability Distributions for Discrete Random Variables (cont'd)
Chapter 5a   Probability Distributions for Continuous Random Variables
Chapter 5b   Probability Distributions for Continuous Random Variables (cont'd)

Chapter 5c

  Probability Distributions for Continuous Random Variables (cont'd)
Chapter 5d   Probability Distributions for Continuous Random Variables (cont'd)

Chapter 6a

  Multiple Random Variables

Chapter 6b

  Multiple Random Variables (cont'd)

Chapter 6c

  Multiple Random Variables (cont'd)
Chapter 7a   Simulation

ENCE 302 Syllabus
ENCE 302 Lecture Notes
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Chapter 7b   Simulation (cont'd)
Chapter 8a   Fundamentals of Statistical Analysis
Chapter 8b   Fundamentals of Statistical Analysis (cont'd)
Chapter 8c   Fundamentals of Statistical Analysis (cont'd)
Chapter 8d   Fundamentals of Statistical Analysis (cont'd)
Chapter 9a   Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 9b   Hypothesis Testing (cont'd)
Chapter 9c   Hypothesis Testing (cont'd)
Chapter 11   Confidence Intervals and Sampling Size Determination
Chapter 12a   Regression Analysis
Chapter 12b   Regression Analysis (cont'd)
Chapter 12c   Regression Analysis (cont'd)
Chapter 13   Multiple and Nonlinear Regression Analysis

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Last modified: 03/26/04