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Chapters in Book and Theses


Refereed Journals and Publications


Conference Proceedings


Technical Reports



























Chapters in Book and Theses


Refereed Journals and Publications


Conference Proceedings


Technical Reports



































Chapters in Book and Theses


Refereed Journals and Publications


Conference Proceedings


Technical Reports





Ayyub, B.M., and Assakkaf, I., Solution Manual of the Book Numerical Methods for Engineers by Ayyub and McCuen, Prentice Hall, NY, 1996, 211 pages.


bullet Chapters in Book and Theses

Ayyub, B.M., and Assakkaf, I., “Chapter 19. Reliability-Based Structural Design,” in SNAME Ship Design and Construction, the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 2003.

Assakkaf, I. A., 1998. "Reliability-based Design of Panels and Fatigue Details of Ship Structures," A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Maryland, College Park in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.


bullet Refereed Journals and Publications

Ayyub, B. M., Assakkaf, I. A., and Atua, K. I., “Reliability-Based Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) of Hull Girders for Surface Ships,” Naval Engineers J., ASNE, 112(4), July 2000, 279-296.

Ayyub, B. M., Assakkaf, I. A., Beach, J. E., Melton, W., and Nappi, Jr., N., 2001, “Methodology for Developing Reliability-Based Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Guidelines for Ship Structures,“ Naval Engineers Journal, ASNE.

Ayyub, B. M., Assakkaf, I. A., Sikora, J., Adamchack, J., Atua, K., Melton, W., and Hess, III, P. E., 2001, “Reliability-Based Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Guidelines for Hull Girder Bending,” Naval Engineers Journal, ASNE.

Assakaf, I. A., Ayyub, B. M., Hess, III, P. E., and Knight, D. E., 2002, “Reliability-Based Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Guidelines for Unstiffened Panels of Ship Structures,” Naval Engineers Journal, ASNE.

Assakkaf, I. A., Ayyub, B. M., Atua, K., Hess, P., and Conley, J. A., 2002, “Reliability-Based Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Guidelines for Stiffened Panels and Grillages of Ship Structures,” Naval Engineers Journal, ASNE.

Ayyub, B. M., Assakkaf, I. A., Kihl, D. P., and Sieve, M. W., 2002, “Reliability-Based Design Guidelines for Fatigue of Ship Structures,” Naval Engineers Journal, ASNE. (winner of the "Jimmie" Hamilton Award for the best paper in the Naval Engineers Journal during 2002)

Ayyub, B. M., Beach, J. E., Sarkani, S., and Assakkaf, I. A., 2002, “Risk Analysis and Management for Marine Systems,” Naval Engineers Journal, ASNE.

Hess, III, P. E., Bruchman, D., Assakkaf, I. A., and Ayyub, B. M., 2002, “Uncertainties in Material Strength, Geometric, and
Load Variables
,” Naval Engineers Journal, ASNE.



Conference Proceedings

Atua, K.I., Assakkaf, I., and Ayyub, B.M., “Statistical Characteristics of Strength and Load Random Variables of Ship Structures," Proceedings of the 1996 ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structure Reliability, edited by Frangopol and Grigoriu, August 7-9, 1996, 106-109.

Assakkaf, I.A., and Ayyub, B.M., “Reliability-based Design of Unstiffened Panels for Ship Structures,” Proceedings of the Joint ISUMA-NAFIPS’95, edited by Ayyub, IEEE-CS, April, 1995, College Park, MD, 692-697.

Assakkaf I. A., and Cαrdenas-Garcνa, J. F., "Reliability-Based Design of Doubler Plates for Ship Structures," Proceedings of ISUMA’03, IEEE-CS, September, 2003, College Park, MD.

Assakkaf, I. A., and Ayyub, B. M. “Strength Models for Developing LRFD Rules for Unstiffened Panels of Marine Structures,” 13th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, June 13-16, 1999, 6 pages

Assakkaf, I. A., and Ayyub, B. M. “Reliability-based Design for Fatigue of Marine Structures,” Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Very Large Floating Structures, edited by R. C. Ertekin and J. W. Kim, Sea Grant Communication Office, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, September 22-24, 1999, Volume I, 388-397.

Assakkaf, I., and Ayyub, B. M., “Load and Resistance Factor Design Approach for Fatigue of Marine Structures,” 8th ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, ASCE, PMC 2000-169, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, June 2000, 6 pages.

Assakkaf, I., Ayyub, B. M., and Mattei, N. J., “Strength Models for Developing LRFD Rules for Stiffened and Gross Panels of Ship Structures,” 8th ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, ASCE, PMC 2000-208, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, June 2000, 6 pages.

Assakkaf, I., Ayyub, B. M., and Mattei, N. J., “Reliability-Based Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) of Hull Structural Components of Surface Ships,” The NAVSEA Association of Scientists & Engineers (ASE) Professional Development Committee, 2000 NAVSEA (U. S. Navy) Technical Symposium, Crystal City, VA, 2000, 20 pages.

Ayyub, B.M., and Assakkaf, I., “Reliability-Based Structural Design of Ships Using Load and Resistance Factor Design,” SSC/SNAME/ASNE Ship Structure Symposium, Ship Structure Committee, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, and American Society of Naval Engineers, June 13-14, 2000, 21 pages.

Assakkaf, I. A., Ayyub, B. M., de Souza, G. F. M., and Mattei, N. J., “Strength Models for Developing LRFD Rules for Hull Girders of Ship Structures,” International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, ICOSSAR, 8 pages, 2001.


bullet Technical Reports

Ayyub, B.M., and Assakkaf, I., “Risk-based Analysis of Low Speed Diesel Systems for the Engine Room Arrangement Model,” Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, U. S. Navy, 1998, about 350 pages.

Ayyub, B.M., and Assakkaf, I., “LRFD Rules for Naval Surface Ship Structures: Reliability-based Load and Resistance Factor Design Rules, Part II – Unstiffened Panels,” Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, U. S. Navy, 1997, 28 pages.

Ayyub, B.M., and Assakkaf, I., “Development of LRFD Rules for Naval Surface Ship Structures: Reliability-based Load and Resistance Factor Design Rules, Part II – Unstiffened Panels,” Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, U. S. Navy, 1997, about 600 pages.

Ayyub, B.M., Assakkaf, I., and Atua, K., “LRFD Rules for Naval Surface Ship Structures: Reliability-based Load and Resistance Factor Design Rules, Part III – Stiffened and Gross Panels,” Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, U. S. Navy, 1998, 36 pages.

Ayyub, B.M., Assakkaf, I., and Atua, K., “Development of LRFD Rules for Naval Surface Ship Structures: Reliability-based Load and Resistance Factor Design Rules, Part III – Stiffened and Gross Panels,” Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, U. S. Navy, 1998, about 400 pages.

Ayyub, B.M., Assakkaf, I., Atua, K., Engle, A., Hess, P., Karaszewski, Z., Kihl, D., Melton, W., Sielski, R.A., Sieve, M., Waldman, J., and White, G. J. "Reliability-based Design of Ship Structures: Current Practice and Emerging Technologies," Research Report to the US Coast Guard, SNAME, T & R Report R-53, 1998.

Ayyub, B.M., and Assakkaf, I., “LRFD Rules for Naval Surface Ship Structures: Reliability-based Load and Resistance Factor Design Rules, Part IV – Fatigue,” Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, U. S. Navy, 1998, 25 pages.

Ayyub, B.M., and Assakkaf, I., “Development of LRFD Rules for Naval Surface Ship Structures: Reliability-based Load and Resistance Factor Design Rules, Part IV – Fatigue,” Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, U. S. Navy, 1999, about 150 pages.

Ayyub, B.M., Assakkaf, I., Popescu, C., and Karaszewski, Z., "Methodology and Guidelines for Risk-Informed Analysis for the Engine Room Arrangement Model," Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, U. S. Navy, Final Report, 1998, about 300 pages.

Ayyub, B.M., and Assakkaf, I., “LRFD Rules for Naval Surface Ship Structures: Reliability-based Load and Resistance Factor Design Rules,” Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, U. S. Navy, 1999, 105 pages.

Ayyub, B.M., and Assakkaf, I., “Development of LRFD Rules for Naval Surface Ship Structures: Reliability-based Load and Resistance Factor Design Rules, Part V – Revised Partial Safety Factors,” Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, U. S. Navy, 1999, about 64 pages.

Ayyub, B. M., Assakkaf, I. A., and Mattei, N. J., “Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Rules as Performance-Based Design Criteria for Surface Ships: Part I. Hull Girder Bending,” submitted to the Gulf Coast Region Maritime Technology Center, University of New Orleans, 2000, 130 pages.

Ayyub, B. M., Assakkaf, I. A., and Mattei, N. J., “Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Rules as Performance-Based Design Criteria for Surface Ships: Part II. Unstiffened, Stiffened, and Gross Panels,” submitted to the Gulf Coast Region Maritime Technology Center, University of New Orleans, 2001.

Ayyub, B. M., Assakkaf, I., Basu, R., Koko, K. S., Watts, J., and Akpan, U. O., "Development of Design and Fabrication Guidelines of Doubler Plates for Permanent Repair of Ship Structure," NAVSEA, U. S. Navy, 2001, 166 pages.


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Last modified: 03/26/04