


Ibrahim A. Assakkaf, Ph.D.




Professional Experience


Teaching and Academic Experience


Awards and Fellowships


Research Interests


Computer Software and Languages




















Ibrahim A. Assakkaf, Ph.D.




Professional Experience


Teaching and Academic Experience


Awards and Fellowships


Research Interests


Computer Software and Languages





















Ibrahim A. Assakkaf, Ph.D.




Professional Experience


Teaching and Academic Experience


Awards and Fellowships


Research Interests


Computer Software and Languages




bullet Ibrahim A. Assakkaf, Ph.D.


Director of Reliability Research

Center of Technology and Systems Management (CTSM)

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

A. James Clark School of Engineering

University of Maryland 
College Park, MD 20742-3021 
Office: 0305 Martin Hall (EGR)
Phone: (301) 405-3279, Fax: (301) 405-2585 


bullet Education

bullet Ph.D.*, Civil Engineering,  University of Maryland, 1998
bullet M.S., Civil EngineeringThe George Washington University, 1993
bullet B.S., Civil EngineeringThe George Washington University, 1990

*Ph.D. Dissertation Title: "Reliability-Based Design of Panels and Fatigue Details of Ship Structures"


bullet Professional Experience

bullet1999 - Present, Director of Reliability Research, Center for Technology & Systems Management, Department of Civil &Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
bullet1999 - Present, Lecturer, Department of Civil &Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
bullet1999 - Present, Advisor for Graduate Students, Department of Civil &Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
bullet1979 - 1986, General Manager, Assakkaf Establishment, Saudi Arabia



Teaching and Academic Experience

bullet ENCE 202 - Computation Methods in Civil Engineering I
bullet ENCE 203 - Computation Methods in Civil Engineering II
bullet ENES 220 - Mechanics of Materials
bullet ENCE 302 - Probability and Statistics for Civil Engineers
bullet ENCE 355 - Introduction to Structural Design
bullet ENCE 420 - Construction Equipment and Methods
bullet ENCE 425 - Decision Analysis for Engineering
bullet ENCE 454 - Design of Concrete Structures
bullet ENCE 620 - Risk Analysis for Engineering
bullet ENCE 627 - Decision Analysis for Engineering


bullet Awards and Fellowships

bullet The "Jimmie" Hamilton Award for the best paper in the Naval Engineers Journal during 2002, American Society of Naval Engineers
bullet ASCE-NCS, Certificate of recognition for completing undergraduate studies at George Washington University, April 6, 1990.
bullet ASCE-NCS, Plaque for Outstanding Senior, 1990
bulletGolden Key National Honor Society, Certificate of Outstanding Scholastic Achievement and Excellence at the George Washington University
bulletSaudi Student’s House, Plaque for obtaining a B.S in civil engineering, 1990
bulletSaudi Students’ House, Certificate of appreciation in recognition and appreciation of goodwill, courtesy, and service to the House
bulletSchool of Engineering and Applied Science at GWU, Dean’s Commendation List, Fall Semester 1987
bulletSchool of Engineering and Applied Science at GWU, Dean’s Commendation List, Fall Semester 1989
bulletSchool of Engineering and Applied Science at GWU, Dean’s Honors List, Fall Semester 1988
bulletSchool of Engineering and Applied Science at GWU, Dean’s Honors List, Spring Semester 1990


bullet Research Interests


bulletStructural Reliability
bulletReliability-based Design for Ship Structures
bulletDesign and Analysis of Steel Structure
bulletDesign and Analysis of Concrete Structures
bulletConstruction Equipment and Methods
bulletNumerical Methods and Computer Applications
bulletReliability-based design and Analysis for Fatigue of Structural Details
bulletUncertainty Modeling
bulletIntelligent Systems
bulletRisk-based inspection
bulletDecision and Safety for Construction Operations


bulletProfessional Societies and Services


bullet American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), member
bullet American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE), associate
bulletThe Tau Beta Pi Association, member
bulletReviewer of the paper entitled “Ultimate Strength Design Equations for Plate Elements Subjected to Combined Biaxial Compression / Tension, Edge Shear and Lateral Pressure Loads,” submitted for possible publication in Journal of Ship Research
bulletReviewer of the thesis entitled “Green Building: The Future of Construction,” by Timothy J. Schmidt II, Individual Studies Program, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland


bullet Computer Software and Languages



Architectural Software Packages (i.e., CAD, AutoCad, etc.)


C, C++, and Java Programming


Commercial Structural Packages (i.e., gtstrudle and STAAD/Pro)


Communication Software (i.e., VISIO, PowerPoint, etc.)


Development of Software for Structural Reliability




MATLAB and MathCad


Operating Systems (DOS, Windows, OS/2, etc.)


Spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel and Quattro Pro)


Word Processors (Word and WordPerfect

 Web Changes

This is where we'll announce the most recent additions to our web site. If you've visited us before and want to know what's changed, take a look here first.

[New!] Ibrahim Assakkaf Establishes Internet Presence
See the press release for more details.
Best Original Paper Published in 2002, Naval Engineers Journal of SNAME
See paper for more details.

Press Releases

These are the press releases we've issued over the last year. You may want to search for topics by keyword ( under construction)

bulletJanuary 13, 2003 -- Press Release 1
bulletMay 16, 2003 -- Press Release 2
bulletDate -- Press Release 3

Recent Media Coverage of Ibrahim Assakkaf

bullet Professors Awarded , CEE Department News, May 16, 2003
bulletSpecial Issue, Naval Engineers Journal, Spring 2002
bulletProject Development at the Center of Technology and systems Managements, Civil Remarks, Fall 1999

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Copyright © 2003 Ibrahim Assakkaf
Last modified: 03/26/04